Photography by Vivien Shen

"I pause in this garden, breathing the color thought is before language." 

Carol Ann Duffy

Creative Writing

Poetry. “Footnote.”  Ash, the literary magazine of The Oxford University Poetry Society. 2008 Trinity issue.

Poetry. “Canopy.”  International Poetry Review. 2006 Spring issue

Short Story. “Metro Transit 16.” Out of Line. 2006.

Short Story. “Chinese American Bananas.” The Claremont Review.  2003 Spring issue

Poetry. “Dialogue Between Parents.” Artword Quarterly. 2001 Spring issue.



2016 Twin Cities Open Dancesport Competition (1st in Pro-Am Latin, Open Rumba)

City Dance Corps Company, Semi-Pro Latin Performance Team (Toronto, Canada)        

Bachata Sentimiento Dance Company (San Francisco, CA)  

Oxford University Varsity Dancesport Team (Oxford, UK)  

Chinese Dance Theatre (Minneapolis, MN)                 
